
Fetch information about burnchain blocks in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(get-burn-block-info? prop-name block-height)
  • Input:
    • prop-name: A BurnBlockInfoPropertyName
    • block-height: A uint representing the burnchain block height
  • Output: (optional buff) | (optional (tuple (addrs (list 2 (tuple (hashbytes (buff 32)) (version (buff 1))))) (payout uint)))

Why it matters

The get-burn-block-info? function is crucial for:

  1. 1Accessing historical data from the underlying burnchain (Bitcoin).
  2. 2Implementing cross-chain verification or logic based on Bitcoin block information.
  3. 3Retrieving PoX (Proof of Transfer) related data for advanced stacking operations.
  4. 4Enabling contracts to react to or validate burnchain events.

When to use it

Use get-burn-block-info? when you need to:

  • Verify Bitcoin block hashes within your Stacks contract.
  • Access information about PoX payouts and addresses.
  • Implement logic that depends on burnchain block data.
  • Build cross-chain applications that reference Bitcoin state.

Best Practices

  • Always check if the returned value is none, as it will be for non-existent or future blocks.
  • Be aware of the potential for chain reorganizations when using recent block data.
  • Use the appropriate property name for the data you need to retrieve.
  • Consider caching results for frequently accessed block information to save on execution costs.

Practical Example: Verifying a Bitcoin Block Hash

Let's implement a function that verifies if a given Bitcoin block hash matches a specific height:

(define-read-only (verify-btc-block-hash (height uint) (expectedHash (buff 32)))
(match (get-burn-block-info? header-hash height) hash
(is-eq hash expectedHash)
;; Usage
(verify-btc-block-hash u700000 0x00000000000000000009a11b3972c8e532e964e262c196556bd958b7fd0c55c3)

This example demonstrates:

  1. 1Using get-burn-block-info? to retrieve the header-hash of a burnchain block.
  2. 2Handling the optional return value with match.
  3. 3Comparing the retrieved hash with an expected value.

Available Properties

  • header-hash: Returns a 32-byte buffer representing the header hash of the burnchain block.
  • pox-addrs: Returns a tuple containing PoX payout information:
    • addrs: A list of up to two PoX addresses that received payouts.
    • payout: The amount of burnchain tokens paid to each address.

Common Pitfalls

  1. 1Assuming all properties are available for all blocks.
  2. 2Not handling the none case when the block height is invalid or in the future.
  3. 3Misinterpreting the pox-addrs data, especially during different PoX phases.
  4. 4Overlooking the fact that burn addresses may be included in the pox-addrs list.
  • get-block-info?: Used to get information about Stacks blocks.
  • burn-block-height: Keyword that returns the current burn chain block height.


The get-burn-block-info? function is a powerful tool for accessing burnchain data in Clarity smart contracts. It allows you to incorporate Bitcoin blockchain information into your contract logic, enabling cross-chain verification and advanced PoX-related functionalities. When used correctly, this function provides valuable insights into the underlying Bitcoin blockchain's state and can be used to implement sophisticated, cross-chain aware contract behavior.