
Retrieve a value from a tuple in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(get key-name tuple)
  • Input:
    • key-name: The name of the key in the tuple
    • tuple: The tuple to retrieve the value from
  • Output: The value associated with the key in the tuple

Why it matters

The get function is crucial for:

  1. 1Accessing specific values within tuple data structures.
  2. 2Extracting information from complex data types in contracts.
  3. 3Enabling efficient data retrieval in contract logic.
  4. 4Working with structured data returned by other functions or stored in variables.

When to use it

Use get when you need to:

  • Access a specific field in a tuple.
  • Extract values from structured data returned by other functions.
  • Work with complex data types in your contract logic.
  • Implement data processing that involves tuple manipulation.

Best Practices

  • Ensure the key exists in the tuple to avoid runtime errors.
  • Use meaningful key names for better code readability.
  • Consider using get in combination with optional for safer data access.
  • Be aware of the performance implications when working with large tuples.

Practical Example: User Profile Management

Let's implement a simple user profile system using tuples and the get function:

(define-map UserProfiles { userId: principal } { name: (string-ascii 50), age: uint })
(define-public (set-profile (name (string-ascii 50)) (age uint))
(ok (map-set UserProfiles { userId: tx-sender } { name: name, age: age }))
(define-read-only (get-profile-name (user principal))
(match (map-get? UserProfiles { userId: user }) profile
(ok (get name profile))
(err u404)
(define-read-only (get-profile-age (user principal))
(match (map-get? UserProfiles { userId: user }) profile
(ok (get age profile))
(err u404)
;; Usage
(set-profile "Alice" u30)
(get-profile-name tx-sender) ;; Returns (ok "Alice")
(get-profile-age tx-sender) ;; Returns (ok u30)

This example demonstrates:

  1. 1Using get to retrieve specific fields from a tuple stored in a map.
  2. 2Implementing getter functions that use get to access tuple data.
  3. 3Handling cases where the profile might not exist.

Common Pitfalls

  1. 1Attempting to get a key that doesn't exist in the tuple, causing a runtime error.
  2. 2Forgetting that get is case-sensitive for key names.
  3. 3Not considering the performance impact of frequently accessing large tuples.
  • merge: Used to combine tuples, potentially creating new fields to get.
  • tuple: Used to create tuples that can be accessed with get.
  • map-get?: Often used in combination with get to retrieve data from maps.


The get function is a fundamental tool for working with tuples in Clarity smart contracts. It provides a straightforward way to access structured data, enabling developers to work with complex data types efficiently. When used effectively, get enhances the contract's ability to manage and process structured information, leading to more organized and maintainable smart contract code.