
Transfer fungible tokens between principals in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(ft-transfer? token-name amount sender recipient)
  • Input:
    • token-name: The name of the fungible token
    • amount: The amount of tokens to transfer (uint)
    • sender: The principal sending the tokens
    • recipient: The principal receiving the tokens
  • Output: (response bool uint)

Why it matters

The ft-transfer? function is crucial for:

  1. 1Moving fungible tokens between different principals within a smart contract.
  2. 2Implementing token transfer functionality in decentralized applications.
  3. 3Enabling token-based transactions and interactions between users or contracts.
  4. 4Facilitating token economy mechanisms within smart contracts.

When to use it

Use ft-transfer? when you need to:

  • Transfer tokens from one account to another.
  • Implement payment or reward systems using custom tokens.
  • Allow users to send tokens to each other within your dApp.
  • Move tokens as part of more complex contract operations.

Best Practices

  • Always check the return value to ensure the transfer was successful.
  • Implement proper access controls to prevent unauthorized transfers.
  • Consider using asserts! or try! to handle transfer failures gracefully.
  • Be aware that any principal can call this function, so add necessary guards.
  • Verify sender has sufficient balance before attempting a transfer.

Practical Example: Token Transfer Function

Let's implement a public function for transferring tokens with some basic checks:

(define-fungible-token cBtc)
(define-public (transfer-tokens (amount uint) (recipient principal))
(sender tx-sender)
(asserts! (not (is-eq sender recipient)) (err u2))
(asserts! (> amount u0) (err u3))
(match (ft-transfer? cBtc amount sender recipient)
success (ok success)
error (err error)
;; Usage
(ft-mint? cBtc u100 tx-sender)
(transfer-tokens u50 'SPAXYA5XS51713FDTQ8H94EJ4V579CXMTRNBZKSF) ;; Returns (ok true)

This example demonstrates:

  1. 1Using ft-transfer? within a public function to transfer tokens.
  2. 2Implementing basic checks for valid transfer conditions.
  3. 3Handling the response from ft-transfer? and propagating it to the caller.

Common Pitfalls

  1. 1Forgetting that ft-transfer? can be called by any principal, potentially leading to unauthorized transfers.
  2. 2Not handling all possible error cases returned by ft-transfer?.
  3. 3Attempting to transfer more tokens than the sender's balance.
  4. 4Using ft-transfer? with a token name that hasn't been defined in the contract.
  • ft-mint?: Used to create new tokens and assign them to a principal.
  • ft-burn?: Used to destroy tokens, reducing the balance of a principal.
  • ft-get-balance: Used to check the token balance of a principal.
  • ft-get-supply: Used to get the current total supply of tokens.


The ft-transfer? function is a fundamental component for implementing token transfers in Clarity smart contracts. It provides a straightforward way to move tokens between principals, enabling a wide range of token-based functionalities. When used with proper checks and balances, this function allows for the creation of secure and efficient token economies within decentralized applications on the Stacks blockchain.