
Define public read-only functions in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(define-read-only (function-name (arg-name-0 arg-type-0) ...) function-body)
  • Input:
    • function-name: The name of the read-only function
    • arg-name-N: The name of each argument
    • arg-type-N: The type of each argument
    • function-body: The code to be executed when the function is called
  • Output: Not applicable (definition statement)

Why it matters

The define-read-only function is crucial for:

  1. 1Creating public functions that can query contract state without modifying it.
  2. 2Enabling efficient and gas-optimized read operations on the contract.
  3. 3Implementing view functions that other contracts or off-chain applications can call.
  4. 4Providing a safe way to expose contract data without risking state changes.

When to use it

Use define-read-only when you need to:

  • Create functions that return contract state or computed values.
  • Implement getter functions for contract variables or complex data structures.
  • Provide public interfaces for querying contract data without modifying state.
  • Create helper functions that other contracts can call without incurring state change costs.

Best Practices

  • Use descriptive names for read-only functions to clearly indicate their purpose.
  • Ensure that read-only functions do not attempt to modify contract state.
  • Utilize read-only functions for complex calculations that don't require state changes.
  • Consider using read-only functions in combination with public functions to separate read and write operations.

Practical Example: Token Balance Checker

Let's implement a read-only function for checking token balances:

(define-map Balances principal uint)
(define-read-only (get-balance (account principal))
(default-to u0 (map-get? Balances account))

This example demonstrates:

  1. 1Using define-read-only to create functions for querying token balances.
  2. 2Implementing a getter function for individual account balances.

Common Pitfalls

  1. 1Attempting to modify contract state within a read-only function, which will cause an error.
  2. 2Overusing read-only functions for complex calculations that might be better suited for off-chain computation.
  3. 3Forgetting that read-only functions can still consume gas when called, even though they don't modify state.
  • define-public: Used to define public functions that can modify contract state.
  • define-private: Used to define private functions that can only be called within the contract.
  • map-get?: Often used within read-only functions to retrieve data from maps.


The define-read-only function is an essential tool for creating efficient and safe query interfaces in Clarity smart contracts. By providing a way to expose contract data and perform calculations without modifying state, read-only functions enable you to create more transparent and gas-efficient contracts. When used effectively, this function can significantly enhance the usability and accessibility of smart contract data for both on-chain and off-chain applications.