
Use the bit-shift-left function for bitwise left shift operations in Clarity smart contracts.

Function Signature

(bit-shift-left i1 shamt)
  • Input:
    • i1: An integer (int or uint)
    • shamt: A uint representing the number of places to shift
  • Output: An integer of the same type as i1 (int or uint)

Why it matters

The bit-shift-left function is crucial for:

  1. 1Implementing certain bitwise algorithms and data structures.
  2. 2Manipulating binary data at the bit level.
  3. 3Creating bitmasks for various purposes.
  4. 4Low-level optimizations in specific scenarios.

When to use it

Use the bit-shift-left function when you need to:

  • Implement certain cryptographic or hashing algorithms.
  • Perform low-level data manipulations involving binary operations.
  • Create specific bit patterns or masks.
  • Optimize certain bitwise operations.

Best Practices

  • Remember that shifting beyond the bit width of the integer (128 bits in Clarity) will result in zero.
  • Use uint for shamt to avoid potential issues with negative shift amounts.
  • Be aware of the potential for overflow when shifting left, especially with large numbers or shift amounts.
  • For multiplication by powers of 2, use the pow function instead, as it provides built-in overflow protection.

Practical Example: Flag Management

Let's implement a simple flag management system using bit-shift-left:

(define-constant FLAG_READ u1)
(define-constant FLAG_WRITE u2)
(define-constant FLAG_EXECUTE u4)
(define-read-only (create-flag (flagPosition uint))
(bit-shift-left u1 flagPosition)
(define-read-only (set-flag (currentFlags uint) (flag uint))
(bit-or currentFlags flag)
(define-read-only (check-flag (flags uint) (flag uint))
(is-eq (bit-and flags flag) flag)
;; Usage
(set-flag (bit-or FLAG_READ FLAG_WRITE) FLAG_EXECUTE) ;; Returns u7 (READ | WRITE | EXECUTE)
(check-flag u7 FLAG_WRITE) ;; Returns true
(check-flag u7 (create-flag u3)) ;; Returns false

This example demonstrates:

  1. 1Using bit-shift-left to create individual flags.
  2. 2Combining bit-shift-left with bit-or to set flags.
  3. 3Using bit-and to check if a specific flag is set.

Common Pitfalls

  1. 1Using bit-shift-left for multiplication without considering overflow risks.
  2. 2Not considering the modulo behavior when shifting by amounts greater than or equal to 128.
  3. 3Using a negative or non-uint value for the shift amount, which is not allowed.
  • bit-shift-right: Used for right-shifting bits.
  • bit-and: Often used in combination with bit-shift-left for masking operations.
  • bit-or: Used for combining flags or masks created with bit-shift-left.
  • pow: Preferred for safe multiplication by powers of 2.


The bit-shift-left function is a powerful tool for bitwise operations in Clarity smart contracts. This function is essential for creating bitmasks, implementing various bitwise algorithms, and performing low-level optimizations. However, you should be cautious about potential overflows and avoid using it for general multiplication tasks, where the pow function is more appropriate due to its built-in overflow protection.